Progress on the Girls' Dorm (Voc-Tech College)
Wow! Since we last made the appeal to you regarding our urgent need to build a dormitory for girls at our Isandula Voc-Tech College, you’ve responded in a BIG way! We’re more than halfway to reaching our goal of $50,000!
This dormitory will give girls a place to call home while they seek to learn a trade that will provide them with independence. Our plan is to finish the dorm by the end of September. Reason being, our school year starts in January, and we want to have a dorm ready to go for those who are shopping for a school. Currently our campus is too far away from the nearest town for girls to be able to walk safely to and fro each day. Sadly, many girls, including orphans, who want to attend, simply can’t as there’s no place to stay.
While we’ve indeed made great strides, we’re still over $14,000 shy of our goal. Remember that we have matching funds. For every dollar you donate, our donor will match your donation, doubling your impact!